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Report a Safety Threat

Please complete the form below. You do not have to include your name and contact information. However, please submit as much information as possible so that we can properly investigate.

Please note this form may not be read immediately by school personnel. If this is an emergency, please contact 911 immediate assistance.
First Name (Not Required):
Last Name (Not Required):
Confirmation Email (Optional for Email Receipt):
Phone Number (Not Required):
Document Upload
Optional: Please attach any additional files pertaining to this request. If you wish to select multiple files for upload, click "Choose Files" and then hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard while choosing each file.
Do not upload any images or videos of a sexual nature. Please keep total files under 4MBs, Contact your district for additonal files.

Please explain the safety threat in the space below.
Be sure to enter all known information before submitting.