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Henry Hudson Regional School District

The information you enter on this site will be used to complete a digital 338 Form. A 338 LEA Form will be used if you specify you are a staff member. A 338 Family Form will be used for all other reporters. Refer to HIB 338 Family Form and HIB 338 LEA Form for more information.

PLEASE NOTE: This form is being submitted to an electronic queue for investigation. There is no guarantee that it will be read immediately. In the event that you or the student is in imminent danger, please contact the school or your local police department immediately.
Select HIB 338 Form
Are you a family member, student, or a staff member?
Individual Completing Form
If you prefer to remain anonymous, leave this section blank.
You are submitting an LEA form. Contact information is required!

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Email address:
Relationship (For Family/Students/Non-Staff):
Role in School (For Staff):
Incident Information
Incident date:
Approximate time of the incident:
Describe the incident with as much detail as possible in 1,500 or less characters
Specific Incident Location(s)

Alleged Offender(s)
First Name:
Last Name:
Offender Type:
Alleged Victim(s)
First Name:
Last Name:
Victim Type:
First Name:
Last Name:
Witness Type:
Title/Position (If Other):
Alleged Bullying Behaviors
Document Upload
Optional: Please attach any images, videos, or other files relevant to this incident. If you wish to select multiple files for upload, click "Choose Files" and then hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard while choosing each file.
Do not upload any images or videos of a sexual nature. Please keep total files under 10 MBs, Contact your district for additonal files.

Be sure to enter all known information before submitting.