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This form is intended for teachers to report any incident of Code of Conduct. All Clinton-Glen Gardner Public School. staff members are required to enter their name and fill out ALL boxes.

PLEASE NOTE: This form is being submitted to an electronic queue for investigation. There is no guarantee that it will be read immediately.

Date of Incident:

Time of Incident:
Indicate how you learned about the infraction:
Please enter the student's information below
First Name:
Last Name:

Student ID:


Guardian First Name:
Guardian Last Name:

Guardian Relationship:
Guardian Phone Number:

Guardian Email Address:
Please enter your contact information below

First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
Best time to call:
Infractions (choose all that apply)?

Where did the incident happen (choose all that apply)?

Description of Incident
Please provide as much detail as possible including what happened, who was involved, who might have witnessed the incident, and possible impact to the students.
Is there any additional relevant information that you would like to provide?
Document Upload
Optional: Please attach any images, videos, or other files relevant to this incident. If you wish to select multiple files for upload, click "Choose Files" and then hold the Ctrl button on your keyboard while choosing each file.
Do not upload any images or videos of a sexual nature.

Be sure to enter all known information before submitting.